agricultural machinery parts in iran
Agricultural Machinery
Farm machinery, mechanical devices, including tractors and implements, used in farming to save labour. Farm machines include a great variety of devices with a wide range of complexity: from simple hand-held implements used since prehistoric times to the complex harvesters of modern mechanized agriculture.
The operations of farming for which machines are used are diverse. For crop production they include handling of residues from previous crops; primary and secondary tillage of the soil; fertilizer distribution and application; seeding, planting, and transplanting; cultivation; pest control; harvesting; transportation; storage; premarketing processing; drainage; irrigation and erosion control; and water conservation. Livestock production, which not so long ago depended primarily on the pitchfork and scoop shovel, now uses many complicated and highly sophisticated machines for handling water, feed, bedding, and manure, as well as for the many special operations involved in producing milk and eggs.
In the early 19th century, animals were the chief source of power in farming. Later in the century, steam power gained in importance. During World War I gasoline- (petrol-) powered tractors became common, and diesel engines later became prevalent. In the developed countries, the number of farm workers has steadily declined in the 20th century, while farm production has increased because of the use of machinery.
As we continue to deep dive into our core industries’ history, today we’re tackling yet another industry we work closely with, the agricultural equipment industry. Again, by getting additional insight into your industry’s history, we hope to expand our knowledge in helping to serve you.
The history of Agricultural equipment reaches much farther back than the last industry we looked at, Commercial Trucking, as the public needs in farming arose earlier than those of transporting goods. You could even argue that the development of agricultural products birthed the need for transportation!
It is much debated when the formation of the agricultural equipment industry began. Some might consider the horse and wooden plow as being the first piece of “agricultural equipment”, however for the sake of time we’ll pick up the story with 1797, when Charles Newbold patents the first cast-iron plow. Forty years after this first factory-made plow, John Deere took this invention to the next level with the steel plow, paving the way for this well-known manufacturer to take their place at the top of the ag industry. With the additions of the practical threshing machine, the McCormick reaper, and chemical fertilizer in the 1840s, these factory-made assets pushed the industry to commercialize itself officially, increasing farmers’ need for funding and expansion. As the farmers of this time adopted the new technology, from 1850-1870 the productivity of farmers really ramped up!
In 1862, the method of labor changed from manpower to horses doing the heavy lifting, this is often identified as the first American agricultural revolution. This continued to evolve from 1945 through 1970, or what is known as the second American agricultural revolution, as the tractor was developed and retired the use of horses in favor of mechanized power.
From the 1980’s to today, this industry has taken the initiative to care for the planet, as it gives them their source of purpose. No-till practices have become the standard for every farmer in efforts to stop erosion, and more farmers are getting on board with other low-input sustainable agriculture (LISA) techniques to decrease chemical harm.
The goal is lofty: by 2050 food production must increase by 70% as 9.6 billion people will inhabit our planet by then. The hurdles are great: with limited availability of arable lands, increasing need for fresh water, and other less predictable factors, such as climate change. According to the Economist, “Farms are working towards becoming more like factories: tightly controlled operations for turning out reliable products, immune as far as possible from the vagaries of nature.”
Farmers are famously skeptical of change, since the risk of messing up their entire harvest is increasingly high. If they can overcome these challenges and make the right scientific adjustments to their process, all the while conserving their resources, these improvements will boost farmers’ profits, by cutting costs and increasing yields, and should also benefit consumers in the form of lower prices.
We look forward to seeing how this industry evolves especially considering these future factors of concern. We believe in you farmers, you’ve made strides toward a better world before and you’ll do it again!
In order to help various agriculture activities, preparing farm from planting seeds to harvesting, different types of machine have been designed and manufactured. If mechanization of agricultural machinery hadn't been developed, Crops wouldn't have been economical efficient.
Coulisse Company produces agricultural machinery parts used in the agricultural operations in Iran. Linear parts of grain pneumatic work, seed sower, vegetable fine grain, multi-purpose seed dump, fertilizer and fine grain, cultivator, rotator and thresher are the examples of its products. The advantage of using agricultural implements by using agricultural machines, quantitative and qualitative goals will be achieved. In the following, we will mention the advantages of using agricultural machines.
- eduction in the time of various agricultural processes
- Reduction in the need for manpower to do different things
- Doing more accurate and better work related to agriculture
- Reduction in costs
- Increase of the productivity
- Making the things easier
- Controlling of the pests and diseases
Agricultural machinery parts in Iran
Coulisse Company, with its variety of products and parts, is considered as one of the largest factories for the production of agricultural machinery parts in Iran. This company is proud to produce more than 60 types of gears and tractor parts in Iran for assembly in the line of tractor manufacturers and engine manufacturers. Among the products of Coulisse, we can mention the motor group, parts such as idler gear, valve stem gear, crankshaft gear, fuel pump gear, oil pump parts, water pump gear, etc. Coulisse provides all the parts you need to keep your farm machinery active at all times. Parts such as differential idler gears and tractor rear wheel hub gears have also been added to Coulisse products in recent years.