Competence in drive systems and components.
For us, ‘Part of Your Drive’ means supporting our customers in all aspects related to drive systems and components - with products or ideas. This brings benefits for you: At COULISSE you can draw on a range of products that covers all aspects of drive technology:
Our catalogue lists over 2900 items which are always available. Our dispatch team will send your order out on time.
We carry out a whole range of activities: consultancy related to CAD construction through to real components as well as the development of special drive solutions through to mass production. In doing so, we can either manufacture in accordance with your drawings and input or design your solution in-house.
According to your specifications, our service center processes standard parts ready for installation - fast and inexpensively.
Special tasks require special solutions: We develop and manufacture components and whole systems in accordance with your specifications. From the calculation stage, to prototype construction / testing on the test bed and mass production
If you have queries about our product portfolio, we are happy to provide further assistance and offer advice concerning which of our products might be appropriate for you.
We are happy to provide you with support concerning the design aspects of your gear rod or take on the task as a complete project.
We speak with you personally and take our time to address your concerns.
Our products are manufactured on latest machines and upon request, can be properly assembled as a complete assembly and delivered.